About IFTS Logistics
IFTS Logistics BV is a Dutch transportation company with a focus on the European market. IFTS is short for International Freight & Transport Services and operates in the Benelux, Germany, France, Switzerland and Italy. IFTS Logistics (formerly IFT Holland) is from origin a family firm, founded in 1997 out of enthusiasm for transport and logistic.

One contact person, expertise and a web of well-established partners makes it possible to give you the optimal service you need.

IFTS has distinguishing characteristics by her unique trucks, which are constructed with very light materials and with the optimal use of the maximum legal wide and height. With this we try to oblige the wishes of our customers to load as much as possible at once.

The transportation can take place as well in a tautliner trailer as in a tautliner combination. Besides all trucks are equipped with a navigation system and is it also possible to get information every time of the day about your load on it's way to your customer.


IFTS pursuits to be an excellent company, in all sections of the organisation.
    • Be capable and willingness to think of solutions along with her customer
    • Flexible and customer-oriented attitude
    • Reliable, AGREEMENT = ACTIVITY philosophy
    • Representative by personal contact, short communication lines, top conditioned vehicles and motivated employees
    All transportations occur in accordance with the Generel Conditions of AVC & CMR