IFTS Logistic transport holland aalten duitsland zwitserland Schweiz Belgium Italy
Welcome at IFTS Logistics
IFTS Logistics BV is a Dutch transportation company with a focus on the European market. IFTS is short for International Freight & Transport Services and operates in the Benelux, Switzerland, Germany, France and Italy. IFTS Logistics (formerly IFT Holland) is from origin a family firm, founded in 1997 out of enthusiasm for transport and logistic.

One contact person, expertise and a web of well-established partners makes it possible to give you the optimal service you need.

Latest news:

- IFTS your Switzerland partner! >>

- Fleet on-line visible Around-the-Clock >>

- IFT Holland becomes IFTS Logistics >>
- More trucks at IFTS Logistics


Contact us:

If you would like to contact us or if you want price information, please fill out the information request form.